Attendance and Residency
Any child who is a resident of Manchester is entitled to a free public school program in town, and regular and punctual school attendance is essential if students can properly benefit from teaching and learning, and Connecticut state law places the responsibility for assuring that students attend school with the parent or other persons having legal control of the student.
Jim Farrell
Attendance Director
Max Cohen
Residency Specialist
Fax: 860.647.3576
Paul Ofria
Technical Support
Forms and Information
- District attendance policy
- School enrollment policy
- Disenrollment policy
- Homeless student policy
- Registration information
- Certification of residency form (YSB-14 application)
- Renewal Residency Form
Note: Attendance Director Jim Farrell is the district's McKinney-Vento liaison. He can be reached at or 860.268.6377. If you need a McKinney-Vento application (in case of homelessness), please contact your child’s school.