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Pupil Services Programs

The Early Childhood Education programs are located throughout the district and at the Manchester Preschool Center. These classes are inclusive and consist of three to five year-old children with and without special needs.

Elementary School (K-4)
All elementary schools offer support both in and out of the general education classroom for children with identified special needs. The core content area curriculum includes, but is not limited to, systematic instruction in reading, writing, and mathematics. Related services are offered both in and out of general education classes.

There are classrooms throughout the district that are designed for children who demonstrate more significant disabilities that require intensive systematic instruction. Instruction is delivered in a high student staff ratio with related services personnel working directly with students and consulting to classroom staff. Opportunities for maximum participation with non-disabled peers are always in the forefront.

Intermediate School (5-6)
The opportunities at the intermediate school mirror those of the elementary. The emphasis is to support student’s individual learning needs in general education classes.

Middle School (7-8)
The opportunities at the middle school level mirror those of the elementary. The emphasis is to support student’s individual learning needs in general education classes.

High School (9-12)
The high school offers the same opportunities as the middle school with the addition of more co-taught classes, various electives, and transition planning.