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Pupil Services

Pupil Services

The Director of Student Supports and Interventions  oversees special education and related services personnel staff who provide programming and support for students. In addition to facilitating improvements of instruction and service delivery, the Director participates in staffing the schools and supervising and evaluating pupil services staff. The Director also oversees the identification, program development, and program placement for students who are eligible for special education services with respect to compliance of state and federal mandates.

Manchester Public Schools has six district-wide supervisors and one coordinator to assist the Director in implementing the responsibilities of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). The supervisors are assigned to students and schools by the following grade levels: Preschool, K-4, 5-6, 7-8, and 9-12+. Supervisors work in unison with building administrators and staff to administer Planning and Placement Team Meetings, promote student achievement, supervise and evaluate special education teachers and related service providers, and communicate and collaborate with building level teams, parents, and consultants.

The department of Pupil Services is comprised of the following services: special education, psychology, speech and language pathology, social work, occupational therapy, physical therapy, nursing, hearing and/or visually impaired, guidance counseling, attendance, social and emotional learning, vocational training, and transition planning.

Sophia Krisch
Director of Student Supports and Interventions PK-12

Stacey Kaufman
Administrative Assistant
860.647.3448 (P)
860.647.3576 (F)