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Mathematics K-12

Mathematics - Grades K-12

Mathematics is one of the subjects at the core of our students' every day learning. Counting, comparing, place value, adding, subtracting, multiplication and division are some of the basic fundamental skills taught. Our instructional framework for mathematics helps to guide this instruction. 

Scope & Sequence Grades K-8

Skills within mathematics are essential to our everyday lives. The emphasis in grades K-8 is around building a community of mathematicians, helping students to understand Math’s place within the world and in their lives, and building student’s confidence around their own capacity as mathematicians.  The scope and sequence in grades K-8 aligns to Common Core standards.  For specific grade level scope and sequence please feel free to reach out to Pari or Josh.

Math Workshop K-4

Math workshop is a format used in the classrooms to teach math both whole group and small group. Click here to learn more about Math Workshop and the "workshop" model.

Mathematics Pathway

At Manchester Public Schools we believe that all students are capable mathematicians.  We recognize that for our students many doors in life are opened through a combination of a strong math background and a positive math identity.  As such, we have created many pathways for students that include opportunities in each of grades 5 through 11 to ‘advance’ to a higher level of math.  The diagram below shows possible pathways.

Mathematics Pathways Chart

The topmost progression of courses illustrates a typical, on-grade level sequence of math classes.

For many students advancement (green arrows) will either happen when they rise to grades 6 or 7.  For select students, it will be recommended that they advance in both grades 6 and 7 so that they may take the high school Algebra 1 course in 7th grade.  Students who are ready to advance after middle school, have opportunities in grades 9 and 10 by doubling up on their math courses (red dotted lines).

We believe the result of this pathway approach is that each year, all students have a chance to experience math that is just right for them, allowing us to strengthen their math mindset and build strong math aptitude.

At MPS we also strongly believe that the courses and curriculum our students engage with must reflect the emerging trends in mathematics so that they are prepared to be capable and contributing global citizens.

In the past, a career in mathematics likely would have passed through calculus.  That pathway remains open, but we are also creating new flight plans for our Redhawks, rooted in Data Science and in Coding (blue dotted lines).

Below are  course descriptions for several of the above listed courses offered by Manchester Public Schools, as well as links to take you to our full program of studies.


Accelerated Math - Covering all of the major and supporting content within the 6th grade common core state standards for mathematics, while leveraging small class sizes and Bennet’s daily 80 minute math block, Accelerated Math prepares students to forgo grade 7 standards and advance to pre-algebra in 7th grade.

Advanced Math - Students ready to take flight in math as 6th graders may be recommended for Advanced Math which progresses students through grade 7 Common Core State Standards as they engage with topics including proportionality and percents, equations, expressions, and inequalities, solving problems using geometry, and their first experience with statistics and probability.

Integrated Math - Students not quite ready for Pre-Algebra in 7th grade will be recommended for Integrated Math.  This course also aligns with the grade 7 Common Core State Standards and seeks to build student confidence around math by engaging them through integrating math concepts as students are asked to use math to solve problems rather than simply doing math.

Statistics - This semester-long course engages students as global citizens by asking them to question their world and the information in front of them..  As students seek to make sense they are asked three questions: What data must I collect to answer my question? How will I analyze that data in order to reach a conclusion?, and How will I present and communicate my understanding to others.

Geometry - This semester-long course connects students’ prior knowledge of algebraic reasoning to the investigation and application of geometric relationships and formulas.  The curriculum focuses on the study of coordinate geometry, congruence and similarity relationships and seeks to strengthen students’ ability to model and interpret situations.

Intro to Data Science - (Piloted 2023-24) This course addresses the key domains in data science including data collection and management, machine learning and natural language processing, statistical analysis, data visualization, and inference.  Intro to Data Science uses several case studies, pulled straight from news headlines, that require students to work through real life data science problems.

Big Data - (Estimated Pilot 2024-25) Often hidden from our view, housed in ‘the cloud,’ Big Data exists in many formats including text, video, sound, images, and more.  This course gives an overview of the Big Data phenomena and focuses on extracting value from large collections of data through various analytic techniques.

AP Computer Science Principles - An introductory college-level computing course that introduces students to the breadth of the field of computer science.  Students learn to design and evaluate solutions and to apply computer science to solve problems through the development of algorithms and programs.

AP Computer Science A - Also an introductory college-level computer science course, students in AP Computer Science A cultivate their understanding of coding through analyzing, writing, and testing code as they explore concepts like modularity, variables, and control structures.

Scan the QR Code on the right, or click here, for the full Manchester High School Program of Studies