Race & Equity Read Alouds
Dear MPS Families,
We are excited to inform you that your child will be engaging in our Race & Equity Read-Alouds this year in grades PreK-8. Through this experience, your child will engage in a variety of diverse high-interest literature, and participate in individual reflection and group discussions connected to the literature they read and their own lived experiences.
Furthermore, this teaching and learning experience will increase literacy skills, spark an everlasting joy for reading and provide time and space for students to engage in collaborative project work. Projects that students will generate within the concluding unit of study will be on display during an end-of-the-year showcase and community celebration based on the Race & Equity Read Aloud teaching and learning experience.
We are so excited to be able to provide this amazing opportunity and are thrilled to have you join us on this journey. Be on the lookout in our MPS district newsletter for monthly updates and supportive tips related to this teaching and learning experience.
Book List - PreK - 8th Grade