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English Language Arts Pre-K-4

English Language Arts (ELA) is at the core of our students' every day learning. Reading, writing, speaking & listening are some of the basic fundamental skills taught throughout grades Pre-K to 4. Our instructional framework for literacy helps to guide this instruction.

In Manchester, we have implemented the "workshop" model for reading and writing.  What is readers and writers workshop?

Phonological Awareness - Heggerty Program

Heggerty Logo

At school your child is engaging in Heggerty Phonological Awareness lessons. Phonological awareness allows children to recognize and work with the sounds of language. These activities are sometimes called ear exercises because the focus is on hearing the parts or sounds in words. Your child will not be seeing these words in print during the phonemic awareness lessons. 

Why is Phonological Awareness Important?  

Phonological awareness is a strong predictor of reading success. It is especially important at the earliest stages of reading development and is a foundation for reading.

Fundations Program (Grades K-2)

Introduction to Fundations (Grade K)

Fundations - Parent Home Support Information

Readers & Writers Workshop Scope & Sequence

Skills within reading and writing are essential to our every day lives. 

Below is each grade level's readers & writers scope & sequence. This description sheds light on what your child is doing in both reading and writing at each grade level.


District Reading Specialists & Reading Consultants

Grades K-4

  • Liz Chojnicki - Bowers
  • Cherie Seaha - Buckley
  • Taina Clemons - Highland Park
  • Janice Jones - Keeney
  • Amy Medynski - Keeney
  • Dorothy Burns - Verplanck
  • Alicia Brennan - Verplanck
  • Amy Sanchez - Waddell
  • Kelly Conaty - Waddell