Data Dashboard
This data dashboard will be utilized to measure progress toward our goal that all students will be prepared for learning and work beyond school. Because we are striving to create a complete picture of student success in Manchester, in addition to the Smarter Balanced data, the new dashboard will also examine locally created assessments including final exams in select courses at Manchester High School as well as Advanced Placement participation, participation rate in personalized learning experiences along with attendance and behavioral data.
Matthew Geary,
Superintendent of Schools
Chronic Absenteeism (CA) means a student has been absent from school – either excused or unexcused – 10 percent or more of the days she or he has been enrolled. The district generates official Chronic Absenteeism reports four times a year. This means, for example, that a student who is enrolled for all 182 days and is absent 19 times or more (even if all are considered ‘excused’ absences) is on the year-end CA list. Also note that a student is considered absent unless he or she is present for at least one half of the school day.
Traditionally, the Connecticut State Department of Education (CDSE) has assessed students in science through administration of the Connecticut Mastery Test (CMT) Science for grades 5 and 8 and the Connecticut Academic Performance Test (CAPT) Science for grade 10. During the 2018 school year, students in grade 5, 8 and 10 will take part in a pilot science test. District scores will not be provided for this assessment year.
The District Demographic data is based upon the October 1st enrollment data that is filed with the State Department of Education each year.
Graduation Rate
The MPS graduation rate is a culmination not just of the work done at the high school, but over the entire course of a student’s career at MPS from pre-school through grade 12.
Literacy K-5
The Fountas & Pinnell Benchmark Assessment System is used to evaluate student progress towards district literacy goals. This benchmark assessment system will aid in the assessment of students while assisting teachers, schools and district in driving instructional decisions to support reading achievement using instructional reading levels.
Numeracy K-6
The District Math Benchmark Assessments describe the content and skills students need to know and be able to do in mathematics in kindergarten through grade 5, and fluency in Grade 6.
The benchmark assessments are designed to measure how well the student has mastered specific standards that change throughout the course of the year. The graphs provide a snapshot of how well the students mastered the specific content for each part of the year.
The PSAT 8/9 is designed especially for students in grades 8 and 9. It establishes a baseline measurement of a student’s college and career readiness in math, reading and writing as they enter high school.
The PSAT is designed for students in grades 10 and 11. It allows a student to see how they are progressing in the key areas of math, reading and writing as they continue in high school and prepare for post-secondary colleges and careers.
In 2015, the state of CT sought federal approval to replace the Smarter Balanced Assessments in Grade 11 with the SAT. The new SAT focuses on the classroom skills and knowledge that colleges want most. It covers only the vocabulary and math that are widely used in college, career, and life. The SAT is widely used by Colleges to help determine admission eligibility and is therefore seen as an important assessment for all students to take prior to leaving high school.
Smarter Balanced
In 2015-16, the Smarter Balanced Assessments were administered statewide to students in Grades 3-8 in English language arts and math. The Smarter Balanced assessments are administered on computers and are designed to measure progress towards grade level skills through reading comprehension, writing and math questions that require students to demonstrate that they truly understand the content.
Please pay particular attention to the number of students being tested in any given grade level or band as results may seem inflated when fewer students are accounted for in a particular group (ie: male/female).