Smarter Balanced Assessment
Smarter Balanced Assessment in Manchester
Beginning in 2015-16, the Smarter Balanced Assessments have been administered statewide to students in Grades 3-8 in English language arts and math. The Smarter Balanced assessments are administered on computers and are designed to measure progress towards grade level skills through reading comprehension, writing and math questions that require students to demonstrate that they truly understand the content.
For Spring of 2023, Smarter Balanced Testing for Grades 3-8 will be given May 8 - May 26.
In addition, students in grades 5, 8 & 11 will take the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) Assessment - this replaces the CMT Science for grades 5 & 8 and CAPT Science test for Grade 10. The assessment will be given:
May 15 - May 26, 2023 - Grade 11
May 8 - May 26, 2023 - Grades 5 & 8 has released a website to break down the CT Smarter Balanced test scores, along with strategies to help your child. Read more on "Understanding your Child's Smarter Balanced Test Scores."
Please see below for handouts from the CT State Department of Education to help in understanding how the results from Smarter Balanced will be different this year.
Read the Connecticut Smart Balanced Achievement Level Descriptors
Smart Balanced Parent Guides
Parent resources for understanding what their children should learn and be able to do this year, and helpful suggestions for supporting children's learning at home. (Taken from SDE site)