The Manchester Public School district has a multi-dimensional communications plan that involves staff from throughout the system. Highlights in addition to this website include:
- Best of Bennet -- Capturing happenings on our grade 5-6 campus and also produced and distributed weekly (and archived on the Bennet homepage).
- Illing Insider -- This weekly newsletter has “News, Notes and More For And From The Illing Middle School Community.” (Archived on the IMS homepage)
- OneManchester -- This newsletter is the most comprehensive source of news in Manchester, covering both town and school events, and is sent weekly to all district families and to hundreds of other subscribers, and is also widely distributed on social media. (Archived on the district homepage.)
Manchester Public Schools App
Lunch menus, bus schedules, grades and attendance information -- it’s all at your fingertips. The app can be downloaded. The app is part of our ‘Blackboard Communications System” that we also use to contact families through via automated email, voicemail and text.
Social Media
- Facebook -- Postings and pictures of MPS events
- Instagram -- We have a popular ‘Humans of Manchester (Public Schools)” gallery that features more than 500 people from our school and beyond. (The gallery is on Facebook, too.)
- Twitter -- We have an account for the district @MPSpride and at most of our schools (e.g., MPS_Martin).
Our Team
- Jim Farrell - District Communications Director
- Paul Ofria - Communications Content Specialist
- Erin Ortega - Blackboard/App Coordinator
- Ryan Gohla - District Website Manager
School-based communications personnel:
- Manchester Preschool Center -- Amber Carbone
- Bowers -- Alyssa Peck
- Buckley -- Kendra Montstream
- Highland -- Jen Smyth and Sharon Willhelm
- Keeney -- TBD
- Martin -- Mary Hrenko
- Verplanck -- Kathy Sikand
- Waddell -- Shelley-Ann Matthews
- Bennet -- Brigitte Guerrera and Loretta Sullivan
- Illing Middle School -- Kimberly Gohla
- Manchester Regional Academy -- Jason Daniels
- Bentley -- Dave Mazzotta and Kristen Phoenix
- Manchester High School -- Pam Fontaine and Rachel Discko