RFPs & Bids
Closed Bid/RFP
- RFP 025-002 Produce Products
- RFP 024-009 Bread Products
- RFP 024-010 Milk Products
- RFP 024-011 Food Services Paper Products
- RFP 024-012 Machinery for Manchester High School
- RFP 024-008 Frozen Grocery, and Snack and associated
- RFP 024-007 Student Accident/Athlete Insurance
- RFP 024-006 Gym Floor at Bennet Academy
- Summary of Results
- RFP 024-005A Elevator Maintenance, Repairs, and Emergency Services
- RFP 024-005 Elevator Services
- RFP 024-004 Special Education Transportation
- RFP 024-002 Non-Certified Substitute Services
- RFP 023-004 Manchester High School Exterior Signage
- RFP 020-003 Frozen, Grocery, and Snacks Product Lists
- RFP 020-004 Bread Product List
- RFP 020-005 Milk Product List
- RFP 020-006 Paper Product List
- RFP 020-007 Produce Product List
- RFP #020-008 - Manchester High School Gym Sound System
- 020-010 - Frozen, Grocery, Snack Products
- 020-011 - Bread
- 020-012 - Milk
- 020-013 - Paper Products
- RFP 020-014 - Highland Park Elementary School Security Installation
- RFP 021-001 Non-Certified Staff Substitute Services
- RFP 021-002 Before and After School Care - Grades K-6
- RFP 021-003 - Installation of Concrete Pad at MHS
- RFP 021-004 - Stair Removal at MHS
- RFP 021-005 - Rooftop Heating\Cooling Units Replacement at MHS
- RFP 021-006 - Burner Replacement for Boilers at MHS
- RFP 021-007 - VRF Replacement at Illing
- RFP 021-008 - Custodial Supplies
- RFP 021-009 - Manchester High School Yearbook Publishing - Replaced with RFP 021-016
- RFP 021-010 - Reissue of VRF Replacement at Illing Middle School
- RFP 021-011 - Boiler Replacement at IMS
- RFP 021-012 Frozen Grocery Snack Products
- RFP 021-013 MHS Scoreboard
- RFP 021-014 MHS Gymnasium Floor
- RFP 021-015 Central Office Awnings
- RFP 021-016 Reissue of Manchester High School Yearbook Publishing
- RFP 021-017 Paper Products
- RFP 023-003 MPS & GPS Food Services - Milk Products
- RFP 023-002 MPS & GPS Food Services - Bread Products
- RFP 023-001 MHS School Photographer
- RFP 022-001 Student Accident/Athletic Insurance
- RFP 022-002 Special Education Transportation Services
- RFP 022-003 Student Transportation
- RFP 023-006 Bread
- RFP 023-007 Milk
- RFP 023-005 Frozen, Grocery, and Snack
- RFP 023-006A - Bread Products Reissue
- RFP 023-007A - Milk Products Reissue
- RFP 023-008 PreK-Grade 8 School Photography
- RFP 023-009 Paper Goods
- RFP 024-001 Kia Sportage
- RFP 024-003 Certified Substitute Services
- RFP - 025-001 - Illing School HVAC Design